
Showing posts from December, 2011
Sunrise 2011: A Brave New World Oh yeah, yet another year draws to a close. The death of the latest 365-day stint on the face of the earth doesn’t call for mourning, though. As 2011 grew from infancy to teenage and then from midlife to old age and then to the grave, I too grew up I guess. May be not, in the strictest sense of the term! On retrospect, I realize I grew younger than ever with an adorable bunch of youngsters giving me company. Active, extremely competent go-getters all, they have managed to pull down my age by a few years. Year 2011 has seen me stare at it with utmost scare in the beginning. Later on, I made friends with 2011 - rather, the year made friends with me. Lauding, scolding and making me believe in all things positive, the year has been the best of buddies. Even as entrepreneurial dreams were held aloft, I managed to do what I believed in – writing, and editing news. And, the focused efforts at writing news on technology and environment had a young brigade (who i