Sunrise 2011: A Brave New World
Oh yeah, yet another year draws to a close. The death of the latest 365-day stint on the face of the earth doesn’t call for mourning, though. As 2011 grew from infancy to teenage and then from midlife to old age and then to the grave, I too grew up I guess. May be not, in the strictest sense of the term! On retrospect, I realize I grew younger than ever with an adorable bunch of youngsters giving me company. Active, extremely competent go-getters all, they have managed to pull down my age by a few years.
Year 2011 has seen me stare at it with utmost scare in the beginning. Later on, I made friends with 2011 - rather, the year made friends with me. Lauding, scolding and making me believe in all things positive, the year has been the best of buddies. Even as entrepreneurial dreams were held aloft, I managed to do what I believed in – writing, and editing news. And, the focused efforts at writing news on technology and environment had a young brigade (who incidentally, were alien to the jaded, flawed copy book called journalism when they tried it out for the first time) backing me with ideas, words and crazy thoughts.
We – I and them – wrote, edited, packaged and rolled out a brave new world of content for the serious reader who read, dissected, praised the good work, mauled the bad ones, and also pointed out the genuine flaws to make us do things better.
Year 2011 opened before me one major career truth. To be in journalism, one doesn’t need to have a formal journalism degree. All it needs is sense, sensibility and the courage to present facts in the most readable manner. Sense prevails when factual errors turn minimum, and sensibility rules when one realizes what to write and how.
As 2011 bids goodbye, I tend to smile for leading a pack of maverick multi-taskers who write the way things need to be written. Flaws are many, but then everything is a learning process and every one around me learns from every mistake he or she has made, without being scolded or ridiculed. Instead, we ate, drank and made merry, we made each other laugh, we gave shape to crazy plans, we made things happen. And, see, we are smiling together as the sun sets on a fruitful year.
Good writers have come and gone, and the process might continue. But then, that’s how careers are made. People move from good to better to best organizations. What we do together may not be ‘The Best’ at present, but ask me and my boys and girls, and we will tell you for sure that the tag is just waiting to come unto us, and is waiting round the bend. We, together, will make it happen. 2012, come on in, buddy!