Web-enabling Priorities
YEAR-end, yet again. Unlike the earlier years, it is turning out to be a tough time for yours truly to blabber on the good, bad and the ugliest ones that ruled the calendar. Personally for me, it’s been tough times. Tough as in, flawless decision-making skills just melted away from the sanctum sanctorum of my conscience. Someone has to win ultimately, right? I have let my priorities walk away with all accolades. I can see grateful smiles mingling galore with the ‘look-what-you-have-done-with-your-life’ smirks all around me. And, I don’t bloody care. Meri marzeee!
I bloody well know and realize what my top priorities are. My little angel and my sweetheart need me close to them. My parents need me somewhere around a certain perimeter of their lives. I need to be where I should be. What else should weigh more than all these? A high profile designation, and a fat packet fail to lure me these days. The man, my mentor, had to listen to a No from me, that’s something that has the potential to prick my conscience. I know, I believe he would understand my position and my conscience more than the No I mouthed when a transfer was doled out with a tempting assignment.
So here I am, trying to help build something out of thin air. Gone are the days when the web meant something related to the spider. Cobwebs don’t exist, nor does the potential to weave cobwebs. A focus, a team with the vision and mindful of dreams happen to be the ammunition. No one here aims at the moon, the world wide web holds more potential instead. As I switch over from a pink dream with facts and figures to another one with tech enabler space as prime tool, it’s time to get down to work again. The current scene I find myself in brings back to me the days when I happened to be part of a core team which catapulted one of the most successful web ventures to popular space. Nothing is impossible, or is the other way around as the famed footwear commercial proclaims. I have a Napoleon in me, don’t I?
So, as the new venture steps on the gas, I sit back with not even an iota of regret. I did what I was supposed to do. And I’m gonna do things in style, if I’m required to. I know what I’m worth, don’t I? A section of the world who knows me knows that for sure, I guess. Scribbling in solitude makes me a selfish arrogant bugger, ain’t it?
All said, as at the end of every calendar, I venture yet again to smear mud and also present a bouquet of the choicest flowers to the ones who deserve them.
My hate list for 2008:
V S Achuthanandan: The Kerala Chief Minister, for insulting a soldier who died fighting for the country. VS gets another rotten egg on his face for mouthing abuse inside the legislative assembly. VS gets one more for insistently talking in English to national media channels and making a fool of his good skills in Malayalam. VS needs one more for still keeping the Tatas and Gates away from his window of self respect.
The ‘Super-Duper Stars of Newstime Telly: Dump the bunch of Buttonhole-bore Sardesais, Blabbermouth Barkhas and the ‘I’m-on-camera-so-I-need-to-look-and-talk-foolish Arnabs out there, in the Indian Ocean and watch them being mauled by the sharks. Look what they have done to a profession which once upon a time commanded all the respect that one could think of! Look at the way they still put on the garb of protectors, saviours, and what not, while actually making a fool of themselves. Jokers all, and the ones of their ilk, deserve to be hit on the head with their microphones for the way news is being dramatised for cheap TRPs garnering reality TV.
Rahul Gandhi: For having waited for 37 years (or is it 38?) to be able to finally think of discovering India. Sonia’s wunderkind toured Northern India, mostly Lalu land, and came back in the belief that he has learnt and imbibed India as a whole. Poor lad!
• Unfortunately, no one, I mean NO ONE, makes it to my list of favourites this year. No one proved their worth.