Jealous and Smelly! This man needs a bath
He has all – well almost all - in him to rule Bollywood. But he would never see himself on that high pedestal. There are chances he might launch himself on to that high seat by hook or crook, he has all in him to make himself tumble down too. As you all might have guessed, I
love to hate him. He stinks like a broken toilet pipe. He needs a bath!
Apologies, if that sounds straight out of ‘What the Stars Foretell’. Personally, I’m amused and at the same time angered by what this little man with the big ego thinks and does. I am of course talking of Aamir Khan, who did us all proud with a handful of on screen performances. Sadly enough, Khan proved yet another silly Bollywood mortal by saying things that left a bad taste. The worrying aspect is that the bad taste lingers!
For those who didn’t know, this on screen gentleman has proved himself a wretched jealous silly wreck by naming his dog Shah Rukh Khan. He has also gone to the extent of taking sickening digs at the more popular Shah Rukh through words that seemingly are meant for his dog. (
There are die hard fans of the silly Khan who has since been rendered elated. Shame on them! Aamir is indeed a good actor, but it is time he learnt to be human. I, as a cinegoer, am someone who have wasted no time in applauding performances like those in Lagaan, Ghulam and Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak. Watching Sarfarosh made me look at this man as an actor who had the potential in wooden-faced Bollywood. He, of course, had the potential to rule. I have nothing for or against Shah Rukh too. He is of course a popular face among Indians everywhere, but I fail to comprehend what he exactly tries to do when he laughs or weeps on screen. But kudos to his charisma that makes him a popular star, more than an actor.
Aamir did never rule filmdom however hard he tried, may be as nature’s justice prevailed to restore sense. An actor, however big he is, is expected to let maturity rule over his mind and brains. Many a time we get to see seemingly-intellectual actors end up as hare brained nitwits. (Remember the recent episode involving Mammootty, who still rues his hot headedness after having been publicly condemned for slapping a fan).
Talking of nitwits, Aamir is one. Bollywood glossies and fans alike shower all the admiration on him for having decided to receive any award or even not showing up at film award events. I somehow fail to fathom the rationale behind Khan’s act of flying down to the US ahead of the Academy Awards when Lagaan was in the fray for an Oscar. NO awards should mean ‘ABSOLUTELY NO’ awards. The attitude that ‘if an award comes from the Academy, it should be mine and I will go to any extent to make sure it is in my pocket’ is foolhardiness. This man is the biggest fool of them all.
This latest ‘My Dog Is Called Shah Rukh Khan’ episode has proved this pint sized hero’s dumbness beyond doubt. Dumb he indeed is for even thinking of naming his dog after his much-loved fellow actor. May be we will have more public faces, including the so called animal lovers, applauding the act on his blogspace. For me, this nitwit of a man will never ever rise in esteem. Mr Khan, you stink, you need a nice bath!
He has all – well almost all - in him to rule Bollywood. But he would never see himself on that high pedestal. There are chances he might launch himself on to that high seat by hook or crook, he has all in him to make himself tumble down too. As you all might have guessed, I
Apologies, if that sounds straight out of ‘What the Stars Foretell’. Personally, I’m amused and at the same time angered by what this little man with the big ego thinks and does. I am of course talking of Aamir Khan, who did us all proud with a handful of on screen performances. Sadly enough, Khan proved yet another silly Bollywood mortal by saying things that left a bad taste. The worrying aspect is that the bad taste lingers!
For those who didn’t know, this on screen gentleman has proved himself a wretched jealous silly wreck by naming his dog Shah Rukh Khan. He has also gone to the extent of taking sickening digs at the more popular Shah Rukh through words that seemingly are meant for his dog. (
There are die hard fans of the silly Khan who has since been rendered elated. Shame on them! Aamir is indeed a good actor, but it is time he learnt to be human. I, as a cinegoer, am someone who have wasted no time in applauding performances like those in Lagaan, Ghulam and Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak. Watching Sarfarosh made me look at this man as an actor who had the potential in wooden-faced Bollywood. He, of course, had the potential to rule. I have nothing for or against Shah Rukh too. He is of course a popular face among Indians everywhere, but I fail to comprehend what he exactly tries to do when he laughs or weeps on screen. But kudos to his charisma that makes him a popular star, more than an actor.
Aamir did never rule filmdom however hard he tried, may be as nature’s justice prevailed to restore sense. An actor, however big he is, is expected to let maturity rule over his mind and brains. Many a time we get to see seemingly-intellectual actors end up as hare brained nitwits. (Remember the recent episode involving Mammootty, who still rues his hot headedness after having been publicly condemned for slapping a fan).
Talking of nitwits, Aamir is one. Bollywood glossies and fans alike shower all the admiration on him for having decided to receive any award or even not showing up at film award events. I somehow fail to fathom the rationale behind Khan’s act of flying down to the US ahead of the Academy Awards when Lagaan was in the fray for an Oscar. NO awards should mean ‘ABSOLUTELY NO’ awards. The attitude that ‘if an award comes from the Academy, it should be mine and I will go to any extent to make sure it is in my pocket’ is foolhardiness. This man is the biggest fool of them all.
This latest ‘My Dog Is Called Shah Rukh Khan’ episode has proved this pint sized hero’s dumbness beyond doubt. Dumb he indeed is for even thinking of naming his dog after his much-loved fellow actor. May be we will have more public faces, including the so called animal lovers, applauding the act on his blogspace. For me, this nitwit of a man will never ever rise in esteem. Mr Khan, you stink, you need a nice bath!
In Bollywood, it is difficult to stay sane without being bird-brained, it seems. Even otherwise, a few successes would 'hit' one hard enough to make him deranged.
All magic, no substance!
Shambo Mahadeva......
Somebody even requested Raj Thackerey to issue a fatwa against those Mumbaikars supporting the SRK owned Kolkata IPL team :)
Happy to see you back.
The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.
-Ann Landers
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
-Ben Williams
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
-Josh Billings
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
-Andy Rooney
We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return,
dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.
-M. Acklam
Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people,
who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.
-Sigmund Freud
I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.
-Rita Rudner
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, pers! ! everance, and to turn a round thr ee times before lying down.
-Robert Benchley
Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.
-Franklin P. Jones
If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons.
-James Thurber
If your dog is fat, you aren't getting enough exercise
My dog is worried about! the ec onomy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money.
-Joe Weinstein
Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come from a ! ! groce ry with the most amazing haul, chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!
-Anne Tyler
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man.
-Mark Twain
You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says,
'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'
- Dave Barry
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
-Roger Caras
If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.
-Phil Pastoret
My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dog thinks I am.
"One of the hardest things in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn"
how are you?
Do agree with what you said about the A Khan. He should be a lot more humane.. with all these unrelenting popularity.. But the thing is that sometimes men don't learn from their success nor failure.. They themselves blew a huge balloon of pumped subtle ego ( I would certainly tolerate if it were gross as whoever name it) And kudos he is good actor.. (not damn good I suppose) and now donning the role of a creative producer as he himself call now a days post Jane Tu Ya Jane Na)